Meaning of Life

Meaning of Life (4)

Finding the Meaning of Life means, that each of us must take responsibility and solve social problems in a spirit of cooperation; none is higher, none lower in new prophetic political hierarchy, everyone carries his sense of life transmitting it.

Question: "We live in a terrible age, our world is ruled by violence: what is the opinion of modern prophetism? What will happen to us and to the world?" Thank you, you are really smart! Giulia from Modena. . _ ._ . Answer: If we consider our history, we will realise that men have always been at war. Life is impossible: it should not be like this, but there is nothing that we can do about it! Actually, we tend to think that this part of the century will influence the future and determine the fate of mankind. This decisive period will lead to the extinction of mankind, followed by the total destruction of life on the Earth, or will result in the birth of a new man. - A man who does not hate life, as happened in the past; a man truly able to love life. - A man who is affirmative instead of negative. - A man who does not aim at life after death, but fully enjoys each moment and regards this life as a gift,…

New Man - New Society

Saturday, 29 October 2016 15:14 Written by
If society wants to live better, it must give birth to a New Man, but it takes a substantial change in the human behaviour, that is from the passage of preponderance, namely greater strength or importance of having, in selfish mode, the mode of being. To save us from the psychological and economic catastrophe, for the common good, you have to ask yourself: is it really possible a behavioural transformation on a large scale? And if it is possible, we ask ourselves, how to produce it? Here we are helped by the Prophecy on a large scale on the web, so that more people are aware of what to do. In my opinion, human character, if one wants to make the mass social component evolve, can change provided that the following conditions are met. The main points are four, - first: be aware (awareness) of the State of suffering in which selfish humanity lives; - Second: recognize the origin of our and others' discomfort; - Third, admit honestly that there is another way (at the very least you can do…

The Meaning of Life - The Existential Problem

Monday, 30 November -0001 00:00 Written by
If you want to find your way, you'll first need to know what is the meaning of life and understand how it can be achieved. Mainly there are three forms of human achievement: employment, social and sexual. I skip the first two to analyse with you the existential problem through socialization; every single human being reveals unerringly what his meaning of life is. If you look inside yourself, you will understand that a good solution to the problems of life is to always open the door to the other, and we belong to the term "other" as well. You will ask me: "what is your opinion on the meaning of life?" I'll not answer in a rhetorical way, instead I will reveal a technique that won't be neither philosophical nor intellectual, we do not deal with intellectual problems and investigations, I don't care about the reasons of things: I care about the how, rather than what is the truth for the realization of life, but the way it can be achieved and implemented. There are men who understood this, who…

How to Solve Life Problems - Employment

Monday, 30 November -0001 00:00 Written by Prophets Word
The three main ties that bind men are also the three greatest problems in life, however none of them can be solved separately, since each of them requires a solution from the other two. The first problem is employment. We live on this planet and can draw exclusively on its resources, the fertility of its soil, its minerals, its climate and its atmosphere. Men have always been charged with the task of finding the right answer to the problem arising from these conditions; and today we have not found a suitable answer yet. Over time, men have reached a considerable level of education, however they have always had to struggle for their constant improvement. The best way to solve this problem is provided by the solution to the second problem. The second tie which binds men is the fact that they belong to human race and live with other human beings. We must always rely on others, adapt to them and take care of them. This problem is solved by friendship, social engagement and cooperation; the solution of this problem…