The Contact with the Great Light

Sunday, 26 February 2017 17:58 Written by
First door: CONSCIOUS MIND= REASON, it opens when you surrender. Example: a student willing to learn from life must clear his/her mind, then he/she will be able to open the door of the conscious mind. This door changes its status according to the individual’s moods. You will close the door of the conscious mind if: 1) you argue with the Great Light; 2) you take a  negative stance; 3) you withstand the Great Light. Second Door: SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. It opens up only if you love everything and everyone, if you feel universal love and live at peace with the whole world. You will close this door if you hate the Great Light.  - Picture: Freud’s models of the mind. 1° model: Unconsciousness, Precociousness (unconscious memories which can become conscious and removed) and Consciousness. 2° model: Es (or Id, the Unconsciousness), Super-ego (or Super-Ego, the behaviour) and Ego (the Consciousness). First door: CONSCIOUS MIND= REASON, it opens when you surrender. Example: a student willing to learn from life must clear his/her mind, then he/she will be able to open the door of the conscious mind. This door changes its status according to the individual’s moods. You will close the door of the conscious mind if: 1) you argue with the Great Light; 2) you take a negative stance; 3) you withstand the Great Light. Second Door: SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. It opens up only if you love everything and everyone, if you feel universal love and live at peace with the whole world. You will close this door if you hate the Great Light. - Picture: Freud’s models of the mind. 1° model: Unconsciousness, Precociousness (unconscious memories which can become conscious and removed) and Consciousness. 2° model: Es (or Id, the Unconsciousness), Super-ego (or Super-Ego, the behaviour) and Ego (the Consciousness).

We have been asked: "Who is your Master? Are you always in touch with your Master? How can we get in touch with him?" -


A.  We have no Master understood in the traditional meaning of the word, but we have often talked about the Great Light, we are always in contact with it, and you can join us.

Actually, the Great Light is in contact with our (and your) four levels.

In fact, there is something beyond the conscious level!

However, you can reach this goal only if you surrender to it and regard it as your Master or Great Light.

If you are a humble student willing to learn from life, the Great Light well enter in contact with you only when you interact with it; if you fail, the Great Light will not reach you.

You must understand this concept.


You have four minds: the first is the supermind, which is just a potential for the future, since now it is at an early stage.

It has not blossomed yet: it is at embryonic stage, a mere promise of the future.


Then there is the conscious mind: a small organ which enables us to reason, think, decide, discuss, doubt and believe.

The conscious mind is in contact with the Great Light to which you have not surrendered yet.

Therefore, whenever this mind interacts with the Great Light, the Master (whatever you may call him/her) well get in contact with you.

If your mind fails to enter in contact with the Great Light, the latter will not reach you.

You are a student, and you have not accepted this truth yet.

You still regard it as a teacher.

Teacher and student exist just in the conscious mind.

You must open your mind.

The other three doors are all closed. The superconscious mind is just a seed: you cannot open its door yet.


The subconscious mind is below the conscious one.

You can access it only if you love everything and everyone.

If you rely exclusively on reason, only your conscious mind will be open.

Whenever you open it, the Great Light will be present.

If you do not open it, you will remain outside.

The subconscious mind is located below the conscious one.

If you are in love with life, this relationship is not an affair involving just teacher and student: it is rather a more intimate feeling, a universal kind of love. Then the doors of your subconscious mind will open up.


Maybe you will close the doors of your conscious mind and argue with Me.

Or you will take a negative stance and withstand Me, the Great Light.

However, it does not matter.

The doors of the subconscious mind - the doors of love - are open, and the Great Light can enter in contact with you.


However, these doors are not perfect, since you may sometimes hate the Great Light.

If you hate it, you will close these doors as well.

Besides love, there is also hate, which is precisely its contrary.

Hate always accompanies love.

The second door will remain open for a longer time than the first one – since the latter varies according to the ever-changing moods, therefore it is impossible to predict what will happen.

It can change at any time.

The open-to-closed transition may occur in the twinkling of an eye.

This phenomenon is temporary, while love lasts a little longer.

It, too, changes its moods, but at a slower pace.

If the second door is open and you are in love with the Great Light (life), you will get in touch with it, even if the doors of the reason are closed...

Follow me and next time I will give you further explanation about the other doors leading to the Great Light; meanwhile, focus on this message and feel free to send me any question about it, Goodbye for now!


Read 9499 times Last modified on Tuesday, 27 June 2017 19:47

In order to enter in contact with the Great Light, you must open all the four levels (four minds); in my previous post, I talked about the first two levels, now I will focus on the other two doors.

To open the third door, you must access the two previous ones.


The third door is situated below the subconsciousness: it is the unconsciousness.

Reason opens the first door, Love the second one; if you are in love with the Light, you will feel harmony, affinity and affection.

The third door is opened by surrender and abandonment: it means that you have been initiated into the Light and this door will remain open.

You may rationally argue with the Great Light.

It does not matter. The Light will always keep in touch with you.

In fact, once you have opened the third door, it will always remain open.

You have surrendered at last!

And it is very difficult to close the third door.

It is hard to be opened and closed.

Maybe, one day, you will decide to close it and step back to your surrender.

Or, alternatively, you may surrender to someone else.

However, this will never happen, since these three doors are open, therefore the Light is trying to open the fourth one.

As a result, it is almost impossible for you to step back to your surrender.

Even before your first attempts to do so, the Light has already succeeded in opening the fourth door beyond you.

You cannot open it, and, at the same time, you cannot close it as well.

It is the superconsciousness.

Then, you must open the three doors within your power, thus enabling Light to shape the key to the fourth one, since you do not have it yet.

The effort made by the Great Light to give you the power of knowledge will let you take your time to reach the fourth door through the previous ones and get the key to open it: then there will be no more secrets in this world!

Once you have opened this door, you will not exist anymore.

Now there is no escape for you.

You may close the other doors, but the Light holds the key to the fourth one, therefore it will always remain in contact with you.

You may also die throughout this process.

It makes no difference whether you have reached the farthest place on Earth or travelled to the Moon: the Light still holds the key to the fourth door.

And, actually, a true Master never keeps the key.

The Master just opens the fourth door and then throws the key into the sea.

Therefore, it cannot be stolen or used in any other way.

Nothing can be done!

In many cases, the Great Light has forged the key to the fourth door and then has thrown it away.

Therefore, you should not worry yourself.

Now there is nothing that you can do.

Once the fourth door has opened up, all the problems will disappear.

Problems belong to the past.

That door had remained closed for millions of lives, until it got rusty.

It rather looks like a wall.

It is hard to find the keyhole, since there is no universal key: each of us, in fact, has a peculiar lock and personality, like fingerprints. Actually, nobody had, has and will have the same fingerprints

Your inner key to meet the Great Light looks like your fingerprints.

It is unique, there is no universal key.

This is the reason why you must follow the teachings of a spiritual Master who will guide you through meditation and contemplation of nature, because it is impossible to find a universal key.

Each of us has a different door, channel, lock and closure system.

Once the door has opened up, the Master will always be in contact with you.

Whenever the Master is, wherever you are, the door will always remain open.

And this door actually exists beyond time and space.

Therefore it is called supermind: it is the superconsciousness.

Someone asked us: "Modern prophetism often talks about God, so what is God for you? And what religion do you profess? What is the meaning of this word? Are there any other Gods? If so, who are they?" 

A. as soon as you cease to be, you will become God.

However, please remember that Modern Prophetism has always regarded this entity as "The Great Light", I will tell you why later on.

But now let’s focus on God.

God is nothing special; God is our actual essence.

God is our existence.

If I tell you that you are God, I am just saying that we exist, you exist!

In our own language, existence and God are synonyms.

Even the trees and the animals are God, just like the stars and you all.

And you, who are reading these words, or you, who have contacted me, are God!

Maybe you did not know it.

In fact, you may not be aware of your divine nature.

But we are aware of it!

And when we become aware of our divine nature, we can also realise the divine essence of the others.

Therefore, it is hard for me to tell you how many Gods there are.

They are countless ... All the living beings are Gods, but each of them features different levels of acknowledgement, accomplishment and awareness.


Facts represent Truth associated with awareness.

However, there is also a blind Truth, with the eyes kept closed, without the mediation of intelligence, in a non-meditative way.

This is precisely when truth is turned into facts.

For example: if you meet Christ or Buddha and look at them with poor awareness, this event will be regarded as a simple historical fact.

They were born on a precise day, and someday they will die.

They are the body that you can see.

They are provided with a peculiar personality.

History can consider them; however, if you look at them with deep awareness, carefulness and silence, then the fact will disappear and the Truth will emerge.

In this case, Christ and Buddha will be no more those persons born on a specific day, but were never born and will never die, since they represent the Whole; they are an emanation of the infinite, a gift made to the Earth by the after-world.

Suddenly, the fact disappears and leaves space for Truth.

However, history cannot consider this, because history consists of facts.

There are two well-defined methods.

The first is History, which takes into account the facts.

The other is mythology, which relies on Truth.


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