I want to evoke the historical personality of Gandhi, so similar to that of Jesus; you should not forget what he actually taught, not what they would make him to say.
In his diary, “old as mountains: the truth and non-violence,” he says, “if I had to choose between armed struggle and cowardice, the truth teaches me to choose armed struggle; but just because I'm a follower of truth, the truth, when there is no cowardice and there is awareness and courage, teach me the path of non-violence”.
In the same spirit, when he was reported that a small population without defending had been massacred, involving the same children, to honour the principle of non-violence; Gandhi regretted the false and erroneous interpretation of this principle, saying that non-violence was a free choice and not a reasoned position taken arbitrary, it is the best method of fighting under condition of maturity and awareness, a risk accepted with courage, but one could not oblige the children, the weak and the helpless and all those, who had no opportunity to choose to be involved in the ultimate sacrifice that went beyond self-defence.
Modern Prophetism circulates on the network, since the network provides a bridge, as evidenced by a modern prophet, Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church.
In fact, to use his words: "We are at war, but this is not a religion war";
Well, I think that "In a society where war does not bring any return and everybody - in every social class – only takes a huge loss, there shall be no war."
Therefore, we shall use modern prophetism to fight, with clear words of peace, against the masters of war, who take advantage of deluded people deprived of true values such as:
- Respect for life,
- Respect for the ideologies of others,
- Respect for the territory,
- Respect for the property of others.
We have been asked: "How many people write articles about Modern Prophetism? And then, can you tell us something more about love, considering that you talk about it in every article?" A. My answer begins with this assertion: We are one, no one and one…
Love is an encounter, an orgasmic match, between death and life. If you do not know love, then you will ignore the meaning of life. You were born, you have lived, you have died ... but you still ignore it. You know nothing about the…
The second step towards the love is to learn changing your poison into honey… Many people love, but their love is deeply contaminated by poison: hate, jealousy, anger, possessiveness. Your love is surrounded by a thousand and a poison! Love is something delicate: you think…
Never as it is in this age it is important to love. Because when we truly love, we can deeply know other people and ourselves. The body can surrender to the injuries of the age, but our spirit, when it loves, or better when it…
The fourth step: be nothing. When you start thinking about being someone, you block yourselves; thus, love cannot flow., Love can flow only from that one who is nothing. Love only live in nothing. When you are empty, love is present. When you are full…
Modern Prophets - Principles of Humanistic Logic