Peace Meaning

Wednesday, 12 October 2016 13:03 Written by
Peace Meaning, peace symbols the soul vision of the entire world with the unity of all life: PEACE In the middle a circular shape strongly marked in red (power) and a musician on it (the sound) and all around the figures (joy and ecstasy). Fhoto: Marc Chagall: 1951 Liberation. Peace Meaning, peace symbols the soul vision of the entire world with the unity of all life: PEACE In the middle a circular shape strongly marked in red (power) and a musician on it (the sound) and all around the figures (joy and ecstasy). Fhoto: Marc Chagall: 1951 Liberation. The representation that include sound images that create - "in primordial sound.... the power of being and its possible creation.

We know how important words are, in the sacred name, in primordial sound would hide the power of being and its possible creation.

This means that there would be words that create, there would exist sound images, which create under certain conditions.

So let me evoke the word Peace, in a language considered sacred: Shalom, peace, derives from the verb, Shalem that can be translated with " to be Complete".

The word Peace evokes unity in completeness, i.e. Union of love that is all totality without boundaries; it evokes the time of Completion of the work, which is the time of joy and ecstasy.

Peace evokes the soul vision of the entire world with the unity of all life. The verb: Shalem, shared with another sacred language, the Koran one, evokes the strength and the law of the circle, source of all forms, where there are not those who worth more or those who worth less, those who have more and those who have less; in the circle there are not places of prominence and places of lesser value, this is also valid for the concept of peace.

All points of the circle have the same value as the centre and all bring out in exactly the same way the centre and are valued as well.

The circle reflects the balance, the equality pact, it evokes friendship without any record, i.e. in simple words it evokes PEACE, where spiritual and material aspect mingle harmoniously, where one does not prevail over the other and vice versa. 

It should also be noted that in ancient languages there were no opposition between abstract and concrete nouns, such as names in our modern languages that have lost the sacred nature of the word.

Give peace does not only mean spiritually, but also means working concretely: giving good, honouring the matter in the universe because there is no division between body and soul, equality among peoples, equality between individuals, there is no subordination of one party over the other to the detriment of the entire being.

The word PEACE means giving concrete means, worldly goods, development to helpless; with hunger in body is hard to appreciate a flower. There is also to say if one is fed and doesn't appreciate the "flower" and doesn't participate in the pain of others, he is a brutal, not worthy of peace, peace is to be complete with all that it entails.

PEACE is joy for those who want to live in beauty, for those who don't feel the need to share, to kill, to prevail, for those who don't feel the great attraction of the destruction and command. Peace is joy for anyone who identifies himself in the interests of the weakest, without claiming to protect their needs, without manipulating their creative force, their conscience.

PEACE is the opposite of the word war, and PEACE is against violence of exploitation overt or covert official or unofficial; it thrives only in the Union and dies in the Division, for which PEACE needs justice, while war needs power.

But how can we live in peace when there is so much war, so much discrimination in power, wealth, knowledge and culture in few hands? How can we live in peace when so many poor people, social classes and poor are exploited?

How can we live in peace, wellness, when in the world, in spite of the progress, there is so much hungry and violence?

Why this reigns all over the world, here's the answer: "there is nothing to wonder: it is, servile-mistress nature, it play always in the hearts of men, when they want to be the executioner, on the conviction that she is the victim."

Imagine PEACE... Dream: to create "a new heaven and a new Earth".... what is impossible to slave man is possible to "fantastic child" who is always inside him.




Peace Meaning.


Peace is not an utopia; It is the necessary foundation for the lives of the peoples.

Women Wage Peace works to bring about a viable peace agreement. We will place the option of a political resolution at the top of the public agenda, as it is the only outcome that offers life and hope. A new and different reality in the Middle East is feasible, and we must strive for it. Peace is not an utopia ; It is the necessary foundation for the lives of the two peoples in this place, in security and freedom.


Read 4915 times Last modified on Saturday, 24 June 2017 11:55

In this article, I would like to focus on Violence and provide an insight into all its various aspects.

It goes without saying that the approach to violence takes on either an objective or a subjective connotation depending on the subjects who use violence, i.e. the oppressed or the ruling class.

Put simply, it is impossible to equate the violence of the "Settler" with the violence of the "Colonized person": the violence of the Settler against the Colonised person and the violence of the latter against the former; these "two" kinds of violence are clearly distinct.

In fact, the violence of the Rich and the violence of the Poor are not the same thing: the Poor actually fight against the root of the power and try to redeem themselves from the violence suffered, which in turn addresses the weak and urges the poor to put the blame for their failure on the lowest, forever repeating the reasons underlying their own failure and oppression.

Obviously, the violence of the Poor who wants to take the place of the rich, thus vexing those who are equally poor or even poorer, looks like the violence of the Rich, since it is based on the same feelings of envy, oppression, grudge and revenge.

This behaviour feeds the violence of the Rich and is also responsible for it.

This violence-revenge does not express the urgency to totally overcome one’s status of exploited or exploiter, as the "grudge" does not rely on "the Last will be the First, and the First will be the Last, so that there will be neither First nor Last."

However, from a logical point of view, the violence used by the "Rich" is different, because the rich can draw on countless resources to act in the name of beauty, magnanimity, mercy, pity and in harmony with the whole world, while the Servants are needy and deprived of the enlightened rationality, therefore they are generally less free and aware than the Rich or even than those who are neither rich nor poor, but released from opposing antagonisms.

Someone asked us: "Modern prophetism often talks about God, so what is God for you? And what religion do you profess? What is the meaning of this word? Are there any other Gods? If so, who are they?" 

A. as soon as you cease to be, you will become God.

However, please remember that Modern Prophetism has always regarded this entity as "The Great Light", I will tell you why later on.

But now let’s focus on God.

God is nothing special; God is our actual essence.

God is our existence.

If I tell you that you are God, I am just saying that we exist, you exist!

In our own language, existence and God are synonyms.

Even the trees and the animals are God, just like the stars and you all.

And you, who are reading these words, or you, who have contacted me, are God!

Maybe you did not know it.

In fact, you may not be aware of your divine nature.

But we are aware of it!

And when we become aware of our divine nature, we can also realise the divine essence of the others.

Therefore, it is hard for me to tell you how many Gods there are.

They are countless ... All the living beings are Gods, but each of them features different levels of acknowledgement, accomplishment and awareness.


All the religions, without any exception, believe that men have had a soul since their birth.

Throughout the history of mankind, Giorgio Gurdjieff is the only one who has astonishingly said: "You don’t have any soul."

The only one! Despite the various religions.

Gurdjieff stands out from the crowd and claims that men have no soul; therefore, the place intended for the soul is actually empty.

Anyhow, we may try to create it.


Just like G. Gurdjieff, I know that we have come into this world with a soul, but the idea that men are born with a soul acts as a hindrance.

It has let men fall into a deeper sleep: yes, you are born with a soul, God is within you, the kingdom of God is within you, what should you do now?

Work hard to reach those things that are not within you, such as money, power and reputation; since no one says: "Every child is born with money (I am not referring to the money belonging to one’s parents or legacy!), every child is born with political power, every child is born with a reputation." Nobody says that.

These are targets to be achieved.

Freedom, awareness, God - whatever you may call it - must be discovered, and it often requires great efforts.

It is hidden, dozy; it must be enlivened and brought to maturity.

It must bloom and bear fruit.

1 comment

  • Tuesday, 18 October 2016 19:40
    posted by Simon
    Rate this item
    (5 votes)

    Fantastic, this concept is correct: "The word Peace evokes unity in completeness, i.e. Union of love that is all totality without boundaries; it evokes the time of Completion of the work, which is the time of joy and ecstasy."

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