Modern Prophetism circulates on the network, since the network provides a bridge, as evidenced by a modern prophet, Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church.
In fact, to use his words: "We are at war, but this is not a religion war";
Well, I think that "In a society where war does not bring any return and everybody - in every social class – only takes a huge loss, there shall be no war."
Therefore, we shall use modern prophetism to fight, with clear words of peace, against the masters of war, who take advantage of deluded people deprived of true values such as:
- Respect for life,
- Respect for the ideologies of others,
- Respect for the territory,
- Respect for the property of others.
We know that the words, maybe not all, have a power, for this one must say risky words but calibrated, significant. Each word therefore has a power, so I show you " the ethics of power " for those who will use words to communicate to the people, today the people of the network.
I have already spoken of the evils of power, but is it possible to have some good from the power? Lets see how?
Ascetically with an exhortation: give up exercising an influence (energy) either beneficial or evil on one's fellows, use the middle path, consider this way: look for the better life, better job, a better world for the individual.
We see certain politicians, certain mystics, preachers of every race and colour that are convinced that giving up power is the good of the people, they did it because they believe that giving up, they leave the individual free, but actually they had given up only in certain ways: because if they had given up completely, they would not have proclaimed certain doctrines, would not have made good for their own good, they have only given up the coercive power, but not that of persuasion!
But there is a huge difference between the power as a desire and as an ends in itself.
Anyone who wants it as a medium, has had some form of desire and wants to find the condition to make it happen.
Those who want the power as an ends, chooses its purpose in the light of possible good or bad to realize it even on the skin of others.
The feeling that makes up the psychological source of power and tradition in its obsequious appearance for Kings, priests, party bosses are: fear and personal ambition that originate power.
The power of the organizations through which power is exercised, considering them first as bodies endowed with a life of its own in relation to forms of Government and finally on the lives of individuals.
There is a biology on organizations for the fact that an organization has a life of its own and the tendency to grow and die.
There is an analogy between animals and plants and can be considered from a Darwinian point of view: all human species tend to aggregate and organize, man in social organizations. Power depends on the Organization, this becomes powerful by its spread, let's see: church, political party, and the internet gave power to a globalized Isis, which does not have a real leader unless the network and its global spread of a destructive message; why do not make a constructive one?
This is what drives these messages!
An organization is a set of people (or thought form) gathered from different parts of the world, in a series of activities for public purposes. It may be voluntary, as a circle; a biological group, as a family or tribe, or mandatory as a State.
The purpose of the organization can be explicit or hidden (Isis), military or political, but for its nature and purpose: economic or religious it implies a redistribution of power, there is usually an internal government that makes decisions on behalf of the entire group and has powers greater than that of the individual members.
We know how important words are, in the sacred name, in primordial sound would hide the power of being and its possible creation.
This means that there would be words that create, there would exist sound images, which create under certain conditions.
So let me evoke the word Peace, in a language considered sacred: Shalom, peace, derives from the verb, Shalem that can be translated with " to be Complete".
The word Peace evokes unity in completeness, i.e. Union of love that is all totality without boundaries; it evokes the time of Completion of the work, which is the time of joy and ecstasy.
Peace evokes the soul vision of the entire world with the unity of all life. The verb: Shalem, shared with another sacred language, the Koran one, evokes the strength and the law of the circle, source of all forms, where there are not those who worth more or those who worth less, those who have more and those who have less; in the circle there are not places of prominence and places of lesser value, this is also valid for the concept of peace.
All points of the circle have the same value as the centre and all bring out in exactly the same way the centre and are valued as well.
The circle reflects the balance, the equality pact, it evokes friendship without any record, i.e. in simple words it evokes PEACE, where spiritual and material aspect mingle harmoniously, where one does not prevail over the other and vice versa.
It should also be noted that in ancient languages there were no opposition between abstract and concrete nouns, such as names in our modern languages that have lost the sacred nature of the word.
Give peace does not only mean spiritually, but also means working concretely: giving good, honouring the matter in the universe because there is no division between body and soul, equality among peoples, equality between individuals, there is no subordination of one party over the other to the detriment of the entire being.
The love of power - in its broadest sense- is the desire to cause effects in the world, this belongs to human nature. Since the time of Lao-Tse this has had its supporters: mystics, politicians, people who cared about the holiness of the people, more like a state of mind than in the real and activist sense.
I am not agree, even if some did very well, what they did was to reject the coercive power, but not plagiarism and persuasion power.
I don't want to persuade anyone, just state the facts. Because if I asked you to follow me, albeit with lofty ethics and rules, I may sin of libertarianism -if those who preach laws, verdicts, believing to have renounced power, actually exercised it!
Every unfulfilled desire makes a second wish rise, that is to procure the means to pay the first, so it's a form of love for power, both for the best and worst wishes.
So where is the free will?
Let's take an example: in politics, there are those who want to see implemented some things they consider improvements, but it's just their own thought, as well as those who seek their own personal success.
A different purpose from power is not enough, if reached, it is necessary to be helpful to others, to satisfy their desire.
You have to keep in mind and to think in global form, the "force" is currently being used between different States, between which there is neither a strong common Government nor a law globally recognized nor judicial authority, or, that the concentration of power in the hands of the Government puts it in position to bully the rest of the community.
Give everyone an opportunity -but this has a positive and a negative effect too, i.e. it is equally important that there are not opportunities for robbers or dictators, and that instead there are some for construction professions.
Nothing raises moral and ethical level of a community than an increase in wealth, nothing lower it than its decrease.
We must consider that there are two kinds of pursuit of power, already identified in the past, and two elements: a ruler and his/her follower (Christ and the apostles, all the prophets and devotees.)
We must understand that men tend to adhere to the ideals conveyed by the ruler and, if they strongly believe in them, they will follow him/her voluntarily, sharing his/her victories as well.
Therefore, a ruler is always needed, because many people do not know that they possess the requisites – thought, strength and willpower – necessary to achieve a positive result, although they are aware of the fact that it is impossible to help all the people. Anyhow, they can come to the aid of most of them!
A modern prophet must oppose the fanaticism that divides humanity into two groups pitted against each other through the most evil means of destruction, the balance of terror cannot prevent wars but rather masks other reasons: the power over the helpless masses.
The prophet Elijah as well as Gandhi in India, among others, emphasised the "You shall not kill" moral imperative as the assumption underlying any progress and human evolution.
Yet, in spite of this teaching, we are bloodguilt! We kill someone not only during stupid battles or shootings on the streets: we actually kill them whenever we force the youth to choose a profession, as a matter of necessity, which is not suitable for them.
We kill someone whenever we close our eyes in front of poverty, misery and shame.
Wherever life or future are rising or flourishing, we always stamp on their feet.
Today we need more prophets who shall teach the people, through the new communication media, the rules of equality, taking into account that we are not all equal. In fact, it is necessary to distinguish the submissive from the authoritative men.
Men are able to think, and within their thoughts they combine representation and awareness. This union results from two factors: the first one merely relates to the subject and has a subjective connotation, while the second one is independent and necessarily objective.
In the Kantian philosophy, the expression "I think' – which proves that the multiple sensitivities combine with the neighbourhood to find unity only because they are the subject of a single collective thought (thought of the Masses) - is the communication and formal assumption for their unification.
Therefore, it is essential to develop a genuine and determined thought, since thoughts are similar to judgements and creations, and the latter lead to power.
The fight against the spread of legalised tyrannies all over the world requires a globalised and strong thought developed through the new sources of power, which must aim at fair Justice and Freedom.
Many Countries are affected by strong and deeply-rooted political tyrannies, or rather by the hyper-power of the State, to the extent that a democratic and prophetic regime can no longer exist, as it was overwhelmed by the current globalised politics.
There are two opposing elements, and therefore two ethics:
the Power - State one, intended for oppression and peaceful wars (provided that they really exist!); and the one used as an instrument for freedom; however, a new movement results in a radical liberalism for all the social classes: it is called Social Science (working class.)
Peoples will never be free if they do not get rid of their rulers: according to the latter, in fact, the masses must be poorly educated, just to meet the awareness requirements of the State-Country.
The counter-revolution, which has always been popular among the peoples, despises the awareness of the masses, especially when they ask for greater freedom and happiness.
Nowadays, this is happening in Africa, but, not so long ago, it involved: Vietnam, Cambodia, the Jewish world, the massacre of Beirut, the Persian issue, the Arabic culture, Jordan and Palestine ... and many other peoples not mentioned here. So many peoples on the Earth are looking for independence from the Curial classes falling within the patronage system.