The second step towards the love is to learn changing your poison into honey…
Many people love, but their love is deeply contaminated by poison: hate, jealousy, anger, possessiveness.
Your love is surrounded by a thousand and a poison!
Love is something delicate: you think of anger, hate, possessiveness, jealousy ... how will it ever survive love?
First people move in their heads and forget the heart: most people do it.
Secondly a minority still lives a little in the heart, but makes another mistake; that little flame of love is surrounded by jealousy, hate, rage, and a thousand and a poison.
In this way, the whole journey becomes bitter.
Love is the ladder between the paradise and the hell, but that ladder has two directions: you can go up or down.
In case these poisons are present, the ladder will take you down and you will go to the hell, you will never reach the paradise!
Instead of getting a melody, your life will become hell; A constant contrast, a deafening traffic; A rumor that will make you go crazy ... a chaos of noises, no harmony.
You will always live in madness... .
Then, the second thing to remember is to learn how to change your poisons into honey.
And how to transform them?
There is a very simple process.
Actually, defining it “transformation” is not correct, because you it is not necessary to do anything: simply you should sit down in silence and observe.
Do not judge: do not be against or in favor.
Do not favor it, do not repress it.
You just observe it. Being patient, just observe what happens… let it go up.
Remember one thing: never try to change your mood, when poisons possess you, simply wait.
The time comes when poison begins to turn into something else ... this is one of the fundamental laws of life: everything changes continually in its opposite, you have periodic changes - a good man becomes evil, and a bad man becomes good; the saint has times when he is sinner and the sinner lives moments of holiness.
Ypu should just wait.
Do not ever act when anger is at its peak; otherwise you will regret it, and you will create a chain of reactions that will produce a karma (cause-effect law always working in life).
The idea of falling victim to karma is all here: do something when you are in a negative state and you will find yourself in a chain of endless reactions.
When you are in a negative condition, you always do something, also the other one becomes negative and he is ready to do something: the negative creates additional negative, the anger generates anger, Hostility creates other hostility, in an infinite chain of reactions ... and people are mutually tangled ... and the thing goes on!
When you are angry is the time to meditate.
Don’t lose this moment; anger creates in yourself immense energy ... it can be destructive.
However, the energy is neutral; the same energy that destroys can also create.
The same energy that hat can upset, can give life ... just wait.
Waiting without hurry, one day you will have a great surprise: you will see inner change, anger relaxes, energy is released, and you find yourself in a positive state of mind; is a positive state of mind.

It is the creative state of mind.
Now you can act, you can do something.
You always wait the positive moment.
Remeber: Act, when you are positive.
Do not force the positivity, wait for it emerges spontaneously.
This is the secret.
When I say: “Learn to transform your poisons in honey”, I mean this!