You do not have to be specialists to realise the extraordinary demand for psychology, its description, its application in the third millennium, so obscure and chaotic due to the development of modern technologies (Internet, mobile phones, etc.)
More or less explicitly, our contemporaries want to understand and be understood; “understand” because it is the first step towards absolute freedom; “be understood” since it is the necessary condition to be recognized, accepted, integrated.
We can question the origins of these needs and of this contemporary anxiety: once problems were faced by a small group of thinkers - belonging to the so-called "intellectual class"; today they have involved everyone. Why?
The first answer is quantitative: men are more numerous, therefore mutual problems have become more frequent; they also live in big cities, which have nothing to do with those of the past.
Due to demographic over-density, disputes and conflicts are more frequent.
In the empty world of some millennia ago, man was a wolf to another man.
Today, in the crowded spaces of our contemporary world, man is an annoyance to the other men!
After all, men are so numerous and - at least in industrialized societies - more educated and informed.
The civilization era of paper, books, and newspapers has revolutionised the old world, but with an action primarily addressing the ruling classes, that is those individuals who made the effort necessary to acquire, preserve and contain a suitable knowledge.
Today, the galaxy arising from the intelligence of computers is threatened by the collision against these new universes, a world made of supernova and bright stars, which are mass and audiovisual media.
The sound or visual signals that they transmit are easily received and assimilated in different ways, their repetition ensures a long-lasting influence.
The ease of transmission ensures an incredible diffusion among such a large audience that, in some cases, (election results, great scientific discoveries, death of a famous person, etc. ...") the whole mankind, nation or group of nations, is involved in the information process.
This new man is open towards the world, but every opening involves the risk of losing our defences and barricades.
And this is precisely what is happening.
The twenty-first-century man is going through a change, a revolution in his life, habits, beliefs and models, that is, of the patterns that determine his attitudes towards crucial problems.
Therefore, there are some gaps in contemporary existence and, all of a sudden, these gaps and failures lead to a crisis, individual or collective, which bewilders those who cannot grasp the essential meaning of things.
We will study together this modern phenomenon, these questions which modern psychology will try to answer.
I have realized that nowadays we laugh and smile no more!
And then I have asked myself the reason why.
We are overwhelmed by facts, stressful conditions and existential issues.
Those who are not affected by these problems and are not subjected to beliefs or the control of masses cannot help laughing.
The whole existence is wonderful, and the only possible answer is laughter.
The only real prayer, the only gratitude for being alive, is laughter.
Leaving seriousness aside, we do not lose anything; actually we become healthier and gain a higher virtue.
Conversely, if we give up laughter, we lose everything.
Suddenly, the joy of our existence, the colours of our life and our vitality are all gone. We become monotonous and eventually die.
In this case, our energy is no longer a vital flow.
To understand it, regardless of your current state of existence, you must be happy, because you are alive and you can still change your life.
You are overwhelmed by theories, concepts, notions, ideologies, theologies, philosophies, and you are not able to grasp the meaning of laughter; then you get angry because you cannot afford a certain thing or you are not trendy enough: you just worry about trifles.
Hotei, a Japanese deity called "the laughing Buddha" led a life completely different from that of traditional religious men.
He just kept on laughing.
The legend goes that he even started to laugh while he was asleep and his big belly used to jolt when he laughed.
When he was awake or asleep, life for him was a comedy.
You have turned life into a tragedy.
You have turned life into an endless series of catastrophes.
Even when you laugh, you are pretending.
Even when you want to laugh, your laughter is unnatural, artificial.
It is not sincere ... it does not originate in your heart; you are faking ... your laughter has nothing to do with genuine laughing.
You laugh just by convention; even laughter has become a compromise: people laugh for a personal gain; this is politics!
Look at children; look at their laughter: it is profound, genuine, hearty.
When they are born, the first social activity that they learn, or better that spontaneously manifests itself, is smiling.
It is their first social activity: as soon as they smile, they become members of society.
Everything follows; but smiling is their first existential evidence.
I just want you to understand that today we laugh only if there is a special reason to do it, only when we are forced.
Have you noticed it?
If you are laughing and happy, everyone asks you the reason why ... it is a stupid question.
If you are sad, nobody ever asks you why.
It is taken for granted: if you are sad, you are OK!
Everyone is sad ... and if you want to talk about your sadness, nobody pays attention to you; then it is useless to tell your misadventures. Would it help?
They are similar to those of the others ... a nod is enough!
How can we change?
Think of a person whose life is a gift!
Someone who loves sharing: there is no better thing than sharing something.
Have you ever given something to someone?
As an unselfish gesture – it does not matter if it is a valuable thing, but the simple gesture is extremely gratifying! Just like smiles: they do not cost anything, but people have become so mean!
Do not be attached to worldly things, but live in the world: there is no other place where we should be.
This is the only world: there is no other.
Sing, be happy, be contended with what you have, laugh at your mistakes and weaknesses, as you reach the Divine.
If we want to improve mankind, we must give up judgments.
We must help people become aware.
We must give people awareness instead of a conscience.
If someone tells you stupid ideas, then you will bring them along with you for the rest of your life.
People should follow their awareness and reject any commandment or rule established by the others, otherwise they will act like slaves.
This is the condition of mankind so far.
Therefore, I am asking you to give up your conscience, this is the reason why all the religions can be an obstacle.
Judges serve the society in which men have grown.
As a consequence, there are as many judges as cultures, societies, religions and ideologies.
Conversely, the witness is the same, there are no differences between a Christian, a Muslim or a Buddhist witness.
There is only one witness.
The witness is not the result of society: it is the awakening of your soul, it is awareness.
As a witness, you must not condemn, blame or appreciate: you make no evaluation, you don’t say anything.
Just observe.
There is only one thought in your mind: you look at something like a reflection in a mirror; you do not say if it is good or bad: you make no assessment.
It just arrives, stops in front of you and then goes away.
Do not make any comment on the nature of things: a witness is a reflecting awareness to the greatest extent.
There are many judges, while there is only one witness; the Christian witness is identical to the Muslim or Hindu one.
If you don’t make any effort to awake, you will always be subjected to your ideology and the desire to always judge everything and everyone: this is the strategy adopted by society to rule over you.
You can find the light, thus acquiring more awareness and becoming a smarter witness.
Give up your judgement and become a witness: as soon as you succeed in doing this, you will no longer judge the others, but especially yourself.
You will be more sympathetic and compassionate.
Those who constantly judge themselves will inevitably judge the others too!
They will be cruel and hard-hearted towards the others ... they condemn themselves and tend to be even stricter towards the others.
They will always look for mistakes and will never be able to see the glory of human nature;
They will pay too much attention to trivialities.
And they will focus on negligible actions.
Witnesses act like mirrors: they just observe.
This is a miracle: if you can observe someone’s mind without becoming a judge, you will soon go beyond the mind itself.
If you do not get rid of your judgments, you will be subjected to the mind: if you like something, you will cling to it; if you do not like it, you will push it away.
Thus, you will get trapped and involved by the mind, ending up identifying yourself with it.
Actually, you do not know what truth, good or beauty are; you have borrowed your knowledge, you just know what society has taught you.
Society has been repeating the same things for centuries.
Society is not enlightened: still does not exist an illuminated society, but only illuminated individuals.
Men are not fully aware: they think to be so to protect themselves.
Men are ignorant, although they are convinced of their knowledge, and the claim of their alleged knowledge precisely feeds their ignorance.
Furthermore, men are diametrically opposite to their expectations: the ability to recognise this aspect is the first step in starting a great revolution: the internal revolution!
We need courage to face our true identity.
Ideals may be appealing and gratifying, but ideals have just one purpose: hiding the reality.
We keep on believing in great ideals, however we are moved not by the love for these ideas, but rather by the need to hide the cruel reality.
Conversely, aware persons show a stronger and practical concern for real facts.
Aware persons relate to the world without any division: interiority and exteriority are not separate.
But this is precisely the effect of any kind of idealism: the separation of interiority from exteriority, reality from fantasy, the ban of genuineness and spontaneity and the rejection of one’s identity; idealists are dreamers!
Dreaming is no evil, but now let's have a look at practical facts and make them come true!
And so you may start believing in the beauty of your ideals, but these empty words conceal a reality which is quite different from the expectations.
For centuries people have been talking about nonviolence (such a great ideal!), but have never been able to put it into practice.
And they will never succeed in this task, because speeches are dangerous: they make us believe that we have already reached our goals.
Over time, after a series of speeches, illusion spreads among the others and takes the control of our life as well.
After many centuries marked by speeches on nonviolence, we have started to believe that we have eventually become meek.
This is the reason why we are still talking about nonviolence .
Those who want to improve their spirituality must become aware of this ideological concealment.
It is easy to be fascinated by great ideals, but consider men: if you know their ideals, you will notice that their reality is their exact opposite.
Someone's ideology will help you realise that their behaviour is completely different from the underlying ideas.
The belief in ideals just proves the presence of a hidden truth.
Countries are not getting ready for peace, their only aim is war!
The violent wants to become nonviolent, but how can he manage to do that?
He was used to be violent towards the others, now he is violent towards himself.
It is cold and is snowing, but someone is naked out there, what is he doing?
He is only tormenting his body, while people say: "He is so brave!"
Just think about slimming diets: how many people "rape" their body in the name of alleged ideals!
The killer is more eye-catching than the suicide victim, however the difference between them is slight; they are both murderers, they both love violence.
Get rid of all the ideals.
Do not try to be different from yourselves: consider only reality, whatever it may be.
Abide by facts, do not mistake them with dreams or fantasy, otherwise you will always be divided: please remember that ideals and dreams cannot help you, they have never helped anyone so far.
Now the imperialism of the USA and the power of South Africa are stronger than ever; meanwhile, true protest movements no longer exist in Europe.
In Europe no one truly opposes the political power.
Every effort seems useless; conversely, in Russia and China, some new anti-imperial initiatives have been observed, but their outcome is still unknown.
Eventually, in Latin America, people have started widespread rebellions.
Thus the global peace or war is at stake.
But what about the European Union? Is Europe really united?
Or is it just an illusion created by the powerful to protect their own money interests?
We must forget our dreams and reject the old beliefs and friendships prior to life. Never mind this Europe, which always celebrates men and yet does not miss an opportunity to wear them down, along its streets throughout the whole world.
For centuries, Europe has stopped the arrival of other men and has enslaved them in the name of its projects and glory; during these centuries, the alleged "spiritual adventure" of few individuals has almost killed mankind.
Now it is going through an atomic and spiritual disintegration, the result of a false union.
Europe is ruling over the world with greed, cynicism and violence.
Just look at the shadows cast by its monuments: how they grow increasingly bigger.
Every movement of Europe has expanded the space and thought limits.
However, Europe has rejected humility, modesty, care and even tenderness. It was never thrifty, but rather carnivorous and murderous.
Then fellows, stop following this Europe.
Europe constantly stresses its concern for men, but the victories of the spirit of unity of mankind are weighing on the migrants, causing them terrible pains.
Europe must stop playing this game, it’s time to change the tune.
We can do anything, provided that we do not imitate and obsessively please this Europe.
Nowadays Europe, with its current management, has become crazy and chaotic (every Country acts in an autonomous and independent way), thus going out of control and being on the verge of falling into the dreadful abyss which should be kept at a safe distance, instead.
However, men need new model, schemes and ideas; the European achievements, technology and current style can no longer tempt us and undermine our balance.
If I look for a human element in the European technology and style, I only find the opposite of men, a horde of murderers.
Two centuries ago, a former European colony wanted to fill the gap with respect to Europe.
It accomplished its target with such a success that now the United States of America has turned into a monster, where Europe's defects, illness and inhumanity have reached critical dimensions.
Dear fellows, why are we looking for a third Europe?
The West was supposed to be an adventure of the Spirit.
We should renew ourselves, develop a new thought and create a new man, and we should do it for Europe, for ourselves and for the whole mankind.
The world is expecting much more of us!
The fourth step: be nothing.
When you start thinking about being someone, you block yourselves; thus, love cannot flow.,
Love can flow only from that one who is nothing.
Love only live in nothing.
When you are empty, love is present.
When you are full of ego, love disappears.
Love and the ego cannot live together.
Love can exist with God, but not with ego, because love and God are synonymous.
Love and ego cannot hand in hand.
So, let's be nothing.
Nothing is the source of everything; in nothing borns the infinite….
Nothing is God.
Nothing means "nirvana".
Be nothing … and in being nothing, you will get.
Being someone, you will miss the point; being nothing, you will come home.
Never as it is in this age it is important to love.
Because when we truly love, we can deeply know other people and ourselves.
The body can surrender to the injuries of the age, but our spirit, when it loves, or better when it knows how to love - always free - will allow us to escape the hellish cycle of unforeseen events, in which generations after generations, the human being makes same mistakes.
Even though thoughts are repeated identical in human life, there is an entity capable of changing destinies: it is Love!
However, we must understand how to love.
So, this is the third step: sharing.
When the negative is present, keep it for you
When the positive is present, share it.
Normally people share their negativity; they never share their positivity.
Humanity is simply stupid.
When people are happy, they never share their happiness: they are extremely miserly!
Instead, when they are unhappy are extremely generous: in this case, they are very happy to share.
When people smile, they economise; they smile but with reserve.
Conversely, when he is angry, he goes totally angry.
The third step is to share positivity.
This will bring your love to flourish like a river that is born of your heart: and when you share, your love will begin to emerge.
I heard a very strange phrase by Jorge Borges. Listen:
Give is holy for dogs.
I throw pearls to the pigs.
Because the most important thing is giving!
You will have heard the exact opposite: do not throw anything to dogs, do not give pearls to pigs, because they cannot understand.
In fact, the relevant thing is not "what you are giving" pearls, holiness and love, and "to whom" you are giving it: this is not important.
The important thing is giving.
When you have something, give it!
Love is not a property to be accumulated, it means irradiate, it is a fragrance to share.
More you share and more you possess; less you share and less you possess.
Therefore, the third step towards love is to share your own positivity, share your vitality, share everything you have: whatever you have in your hands, never accumulate it.
Beware I'm not talking about material things, material goods; Then: share your wisdom, share your prayer, your happiness, your love ... share it!
Obviously, if there is no one, share with dogs, with cats, with flowers, trees, stones ... but share.
What matters is giving.
Accumulate poison the heart.
Everything that is accumulated is poisonous.
If you share, your body will be free from poisons.
Then when you give, don’t worry if the giving is or is not one-sided.
Do not even expect a thank you! You will not be disappointed.
Sharing is one of the greatest spiritual virtues, one of the greatest virtues!
The second step towards the love is to learn changing your poison into honey…
Many people love, but their love is deeply contaminated by poison: hate, jealousy, anger, possessiveness.
Your love is surrounded by a thousand and a poison!
Love is something delicate: you think of anger, hate, possessiveness, jealousy ... how will it ever survive love?
First people move in their heads and forget the heart: most people do it.
Secondly a minority still lives a little in the heart, but makes another mistake; that little flame of love is surrounded by jealousy, hate, rage, and a thousand and a poison.
In this way, the whole journey becomes bitter.
Love is the ladder between the paradise and the hell, but that ladder has two directions: you can go up or down.
In case these poisons are present, the ladder will take you down and you will go to the hell, you will never reach the paradise!
Instead of getting a melody, your life will become hell; A constant contrast, a deafening traffic; A rumor that will make you go crazy ... a chaos of noises, no harmony.
You will always live in madness... .
Then, the second thing to remember is to learn how to change your poisons into honey.
And how to transform them?
There is a very simple process.
Actually, defining it “transformation” is not correct, because you it is not necessary to do anything: simply you should sit down in silence and observe.
Do not judge: do not be against or in favor.
Do not favor it, do not repress it.
You just observe it. Being patient, just observe what happens… let it go up.
Remember one thing: never try to change your mood, when poisons possess you, simply wait.
The time comes when poison begins to turn into something else ... this is one of the fundamental laws of life: everything changes continually in its opposite, you have periodic changes - a good man becomes evil, and a bad man becomes good; the saint has times when he is sinner and the sinner lives moments of holiness.
Ypu should just wait.
Do not ever act when anger is at its peak; otherwise you will regret it, and you will create a chain of reactions that will produce a karma (cause-effect law always working in life).
The idea of falling victim to karma is all here: do something when you are in a negative state and you will find yourself in a chain of endless reactions.
When you are in a negative condition, you always do something, also the other one becomes negative and he is ready to do something: the negative creates additional negative, the anger generates anger, Hostility creates other hostility, in an infinite chain of reactions ... and people are mutually tangled ... and the thing goes on!
When you are angry is the time to meditate.
Don’t lose this moment; anger creates in yourself immense energy ... it can be destructive.
However, the energy is neutral; the same energy that destroys can also create.
The same energy that hat can upset, can give life ... just wait.
Waiting without hurry, one day you will have a great surprise: you will see inner change, anger relaxes, energy is released, and you find yourself in a positive state of mind; is a positive state of mind.
It is the creative state of mind.
Now you can act, you can do something.
You always wait the positive moment.
Remeber: Act, when you are positive.
Do not force the positivity, wait for it emerges spontaneously.
This is the secret.
When I say: “Learn to transform your poisons in honey”, I mean this!
Question: "We live in a terrible age, our world is ruled by violence: what is the opinion of modern prophetism? What will happen to us and to the world?" Thank you, you are really smart! Giulia from Modena.
. _ ._ .
Answer: If we consider our history, we will realise that men have always been at war.
Life is impossible: it should not be like this, but there is nothing that we can do about it!
Actually, we tend to think that this part of the century will influence the future and determine the fate of mankind.
This decisive period will lead to the extinction of mankind, followed by the total destruction of life on the Earth, or will result in the birth of a new man.
- A man who does not hate life, as happened in the past; a man truly able to love life.
- A man who is affirmative instead of negative.
- A man who does not aim at life after death, but fully enjoys each moment and regards this life as a gift, instead of a punishment.
- A man who is not be the enemy of his body, but rather respects it as the temple of his soul.
- A man who is able to love and does not fear it; a man who establishes various kinds of relations and yet does not reject his identity.
There is no longer a third alternative.
Under the current conditions, man cannot survive.
He must change and evolve, or he will die and leave the Earth!
But we believe that "something" or "someone" will come, because life appeared only on our tiny planet, a trifle – just think about the Earth’s size: it is just a grain of sand in the universe- and the creator of life will surely protect it!
This must be the luckiest place in the whole universe: the birds sing, the trees grow and bloom, men are alive and, in spite of the haters, love, sing, dance and help one another ...
Something amazing has happened, and we know that it will be always so!
Love is an encounter, an orgasmic match, between death and life.
If you do not know love, then you will ignore the meaning of life.
You were born, you have lived, you have died ... but you still ignore it.
You know nothing about the in-between: love! This interval is the highest peak.
There are the four steps towards love.
The first: to be here and now;
(i.e. to be present) because love is possible only here and now.
You cannot love in the past (it is dead!)
Most people live in the past, relying on their memories and past love.
Other people will love in the future; but this is wrong as well.
These are ways to avoid love.
Love is possible only in the present, since this is the only moment when death and life meet ... inside the dark interval hidden inside you.
That dark interval is always present ... it always exists, it never ceases to be!
It is neither past nor future.
Overthinking - thinking is always connected either to the past or to the future – will divert your energies from the ability to feel.
And feeling is here and now.
If your energies move within the pattern of your thinking, they will not be enough to allow you to enter the feeling spheres ... and love cannot exist.
Therefore, the first step is to be here and now (in the present time.)
The future (whenever he will come) and the past (which does not come back) both rely on the above-mentioned concept: any wrong thinking (relating to memories or regrets) destroys the feeling: over time, those who are too obsessed with thinking tend to forget their heart.
Over time, those who are immersed in thinking start to follow a path where feeling has no voice.
If you do not listen to your feeling, the latter will leave you soon.
Millions of people live in these conditions, i.e. they neglect their heart.
They simply regard it as a pump.
They just focus on their head.
But the head is an end of the body; it is necessary, it acts as an amazing tool, but must be used as a servant.
The head should not be our master.
When the head is the master and the heart is left aside, men live, die, but will never know God, since they are not familiar with love.
At first glance, the same dark interval looks like love ... and when we completely surrender to it, it becomes God.
Love is the beginning of God ... or God is the highest peak of love.