If we want to improve mankind, we must give up judgments.
We must help people become aware.
We must give people awareness instead of a conscience.
If someone tells you stupid ideas, then you will bring them along with you for the rest of your life.
People should follow their awareness and reject any commandment or rule established by the others, otherwise they will act like slaves.
This is the condition of mankind so far.
Therefore, I am asking you to give up your conscience, this is the reason why all the religions can be an obstacle.
Judges serve the society in which men have grown.
As a consequence, there are as many judges as cultures, societies, religions and ideologies.
Conversely, the witness is the same, there are no differences between a Christian, a Muslim or a Buddhist witness.
There is only one witness.
The witness is not the result of society: it is the awakening of your soul, it is awareness.
As a witness, you must not condemn, blame or appreciate: you make no evaluation, you don’t say anything.
Just observe.
There is only one thought in your mind: you look at something like a reflection in a mirror; you do not say if it is good or bad: you make no assessment.
It just arrives, stops in front of you and then goes away.
Do not make any comment on the nature of things: a witness is a reflecting awareness to the greatest extent.
There are many judges, while there is only one witness; the Christian witness is identical to the Muslim or Hindu one.
If you don’t make any effort to awake, you will always be subjected to your ideology and the desire to always judge everything and everyone: this is the strategy adopted by society to rule over you.
You can find the light, thus acquiring more awareness and becoming a smarter witness.
Give up your judgement and become a witness: as soon as you succeed in doing this, you will no longer judge the others, but especially yourself.
You will be more sympathetic and compassionate.
Those who constantly judge themselves will inevitably judge the others too!
They will be cruel and hard-hearted towards the others ... they condemn themselves and tend to be even stricter towards the others.
They will always look for mistakes and will never be able to see the glory of human nature;
They will pay too much attention to trivialities.
And they will focus on negligible actions.
Witnesses act like mirrors: they just observe.
This is a miracle: if you can observe someone’s mind without becoming a judge, you will soon go beyond the mind itself.
If you do not get rid of your judgments, you will be subjected to the mind: if you like something, you will cling to it; if you do not like it, you will push it away.
Thus, you will get trapped and involved by the mind, ending up identifying yourself with it.
Actually, you do not know what truth, good or beauty are; you have borrowed your knowledge, you just know what society has taught you.
Society has been repeating the same things for centuries.
Society is not enlightened: still does not exist an illuminated society, but only illuminated individuals.
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