Laughter and Smile – The only real Prayer

Friday, 29 September 2017 06:00 Written by
If we give up laughter, we lose everything. Suddenly, the joy of our existence, the colours of our life and our vitality are all gone. We become monotonous and eventually die. In this case, our energy is no longer a vital flow. To understand it, regardless of your current state of existence, you must be happy, because you are alive and you can still change your life. If we give up laughter, we lose everything. Suddenly, the joy of our existence, the colours of our life and our vitality are all gone. We become monotonous and eventually die. In this case, our energy is no longer a vital flow. To understand it, regardless of your current state of existence, you must be happy, because you are alive and you can still change your life.

I have realized that nowadays we laugh and smile no more!

And then I have asked myself the reason why.

We are overwhelmed by facts, stressful conditions and existential issues.

Those who are not affected by these problems and are not subjected to beliefs or the control of masses cannot help laughing.

The whole existence is wonderful, and the only possible answer is laughter.

The only real prayer, the only gratitude for being alive, is laughter.

Leaving seriousness aside, we do not lose anything; actually we become healthier and gain a higher virtue.

Conversely, if we give up laughter, we lose everything.

Suddenly, the joy of our existence, the colours of our life and our vitality are all gone. We become monotonous and eventually die.

In this case, our energy is no longer a vital flow.

To understand it, regardless of your current state of existence, you must be happy, because you are alive and you can still change your life.

You are overwhelmed by theories, concepts, notions, ideologies, theologies, philosophies, and you are not able to grasp the meaning of laughter; then you get angry because you cannot afford a certain thing or you are not trendy enough: you just worry about trifles.

Hotei, a Japanese deity called "the laughing Buddha" led a life completely different from that of traditional religious men.

He just kept on laughing.

The legend goes that he even started to laugh while he was asleep and his big belly used to jolt when he laughed.

When he was awake or asleep, life for him was a comedy.

You have turned life into a tragedy.

You have turned life into an endless series of catastrophes.

Even when you laugh, you are pretending.

Even when you want to laugh, your laughter is unnatural, artificial.

It is not sincere ... it does not originate in your heart; you are faking ... your laughter has nothing to do with genuine laughing.

You laugh just by convention; even laughter has become a compromise: people laugh for a personal gain; this is politics!

Look at children; look at their laughter: it is profound, genuine, hearty.

When they are born, the first social activity that they learn, or better that spontaneously manifests itself, is smiling.

It is their first social activity: as soon as they smile, they become members of society.

Everything follows; but smiling is their first existential evidence.


I just want you to understand that today we laugh only if there is a special reason to do it, only when we are forced.

Have you noticed it?

If you are laughing and  happy, everyone asks you the reason why ... it is a stupid question.

If you are sad, nobody ever asks you why.

It is taken for granted: if you are sad, you are OK!

Everyone is sad ... and if you want to talk about your sadness, nobody pays attention to you; then it is useless to tell your misadventures. Would it help?

They are similar to those of the others ... a nod is enough!

How can we change?

Think of a person whose life is a gift!

Someone who loves sharing: there is no better thing than sharing something.

Have you ever given something to someone?

As an unselfish gesture – it does not matter if it is a valuable thing, but the simple gesture is extremely gratifying! Just like smiles: they do not cost anything, but people have become so mean!

Do not be attached to worldly things, but live in the world: there is no other place where we should be.

This is the only world: there is no other.

Sing, be happy, be contended with what you have, laugh at your mistakes and weaknesses, as you reach the Divine.


Read 13351 times Last modified on Friday, 29 September 2017 18:28

1 comment

  • Thursday, 16 August 2018 15:49
    posted by Sara V.
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    Sara V.

    Incredible points. Solid arguments. Keep up the amazing work.Thankѕ very nice blog!

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