The Right to a Single Earth - The Right to the Uniqueness of the Individuals

Wednesday, 09 November 2016 20:52 Written by
Picture: Marc Chagall. The Uniqueness of the Individual. Two faces and some winged figures intersecting on the head - symbolism: the wide range of human psychological profiles. Men are not the same and were never so. Equality is in blatant contrasts with psychology, therefore men should benefit from equal opportunities in order to develop their uniqueness. Picture: Marc Chagall. The Uniqueness of the Individual. Two faces and some winged figures intersecting on the head - symbolism: the wide range of human psychological profiles. Men are not the same and were never so. Equality is in blatant contrasts with psychology, therefore men should benefit from equal opportunities in order to develop their uniqueness.

On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly approved and enacted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 48 Countries, including the United States – the actual promoter of the Declaration – took part in the vote and supported this proposal.

Conversely, 8 Countries were absent: the Eastern bloc, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and some Russian regions.

After this formal resolution, the United Nations General Assembly instructed the Secretary-General to extensively spread this Declaration and, to this end, to publish, distribute and translate the text not only into the five official languages, but also into as many other languages as possible with every available instrument.

Now, let’s go back to our modern times: over the last seventy years, there has been a rapid and significant progress, however the Declaration of human rights has remained the same.


Seventh principleone Earth, one Mankind

Why should there be so many Countries, so many frontiers on maps?

Remember that they are just graphic markings; they exist neither on Earth nor in the sky.

They have been invented by men. The world has been divided into regions because men are split into parts; men are split into parts because the world is not integral.

Regardless of the starting point, our goal is to achieve an all-encompassing mankind without any nation or boundary.

The world belongs to us; one mankind, one Earth and we can turn it into paradise.

Currently, we do not need any representation of hell: it surrounds us, it is everywhere.

If we take a close look at the world, we see that men are so miserable that the existence of another hell is unnecessary.




Eighth principle: the uniqueness of mankind.

I would like to focus on a beautiful but often misused word: "equality."

Some scholars believe that all men are equal. Based on their thought, the UN declared that equality is an intrinsic right.

However, nobody notices and stresses that men are not equal, and have never been so.

This idea is in blatant contrast with psychology.

Anyone is unique and irreplaceable.

Equality is a foolish idea. Men are deprived of their individuality: eventually, they end up losing their identity and acting as cogs in the wheel.

I am not going to teach either equality or inequality: I would rather like to stress the idea of Uniqueness.

Every man is unique and its uniqueness must be safeguarded; everybody should enjoy the inalienable right to equal opportunities and the development of their uniqueness.

It is obvious and simple.

Over the last two millenniums, there has been only one Jesus.

Over the last twenty-five centuries, there has been only one Gautama Buddha.

Why should we believe in the equality of men?

Men are unique, and their uniqueness should be promoted and regarded as an independent world.

Nobody is better or worse than the others ... but we are all alone.

And beauty precisely lies in our solitude: you are no longer a crowd or a a mass: you are yourself.


Now, take your time and reflect on this message. The dissertation on the Declaration of Human Rights shall continue at a later time.

Eventually, I would like to reveal the ninth principle: a World Government – and the tenth principle: Meritocracy, since democracy has failed.



Read 5802 times Last modified on Saturday, 24 June 2017 12:11

Now let’s focus on the tenth right: Meritocracy.

Democracy has failed, we cannot ignore this fact; we have gone through various types of governments: aristocracy, kingdom, democratic city-states and now the whole world is exalting the idea of democracy.

However, democracy has never solved any problem, but rather has introduced new ones.

Precisely in the light of these problems, Karl Marx assumed the dictatorship of the proletariat.

I do not support this idea, since my own assumption goes far beyond democracy.

Democracy means "a government coming from the people, promoted by the people, intended for the people." But these are just words!!

For example, in India there are nine hundred million inhabitants: how can nine hundred million people exercise their power?

They must choose a delegate. The population does not rule, but chooses a ruler.

What are the criteria underlying this choice? How do they choose their representatives?

And, above all, how do they choose the right ruler?

Have you ever been taught democracy?

No, not at all. Ignorant masses can be easily controlled.

All the religions, without any exception, believe that men have had a soul since their birth.

Throughout the history of mankind, Giorgio Gurdjieff is the only one who has astonishingly said: "You don’t have any soul."

The only one! Despite the various religions.

Gurdjieff stands out from the crowd and claims that men have no soul; therefore, the place intended for the soul is actually empty.

Anyhow, we may try to create it.


Just like G. Gurdjieff, I know that we have come into this world with a soul, but the idea that men are born with a soul acts as a hindrance.

It has let men fall into a deeper sleep: yes, you are born with a soul, God is within you, the kingdom of God is within you, what should you do now?

Work hard to reach those things that are not within you, such as money, power and reputation; since no one says: "Every child is born with money (I am not referring to the money belonging to one’s parents or legacy!), every child is born with political power, every child is born with a reputation." Nobody says that.

These are targets to be achieved.

Freedom, awareness, God - whatever you may call it - must be discovered, and it often requires great efforts.

It is hidden, dozy; it must be enlivened and brought to maturity.

It must bloom and bear fruit.

Now, think about the unification of Italy and then focus on the current events in Europe.

Europe has introduced a single currency - the euro - for all the peoples as Italy did with its language.

But was it actually a positive thing? Could it be that some truths and freedoms have been omitted? What is the secret history of Italy, which was established and created to meet the needs of the ruling class?

What is its hidden origin?

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