Now, think about the unification of Italy and then focus on the current events in Europe.
Europe has introduced a single currency - the euro - for all the peoples as Italy did with its language.
But was it actually a positive thing? Could it be that some truths and freedoms have been omitted? What is the secret history of Italy, which was established and created to meet the needs of the ruling class?
What is its hidden origin?
On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly approved and enacted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 48 Countries, including the United States – the actual promoter of the Declaration – took part in the vote and supported this proposal.
Conversely, 8 Countries were absent: the Eastern bloc, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and some Russian regions.
After this formal resolution, the United Nations General Assembly instructed the Secretary-General to extensively spread this Declaration and, to this end, to publish, distribute and translate the text not only into the five official languages, but also into as many other languages as possible with every available instrument.
Now, let’s go back to our modern times: over the last seventy years, there has been a rapid and significant progress, however the Declaration of human rights has remained the same.
Seventh principle: one Earth, one Mankind.
Why should there be so many Countries, so many frontiers on maps?
Remember that they are just graphic markings; they exist neither on Earth nor in the sky.
They have been invented by men. The world has been divided into regions because men are split into parts; men are split into parts because the world is not integral.
Regardless of the starting point, our goal is to achieve an all-encompassing mankind without any nation or boundary.
The world belongs to us; one mankind, one Earth and we can turn it into paradise.
Before completing our Declaration of Human Rights, I would like to stress that men need to start a great thought revolution against the injustices, but especially against the so-called "philanthropists"; i.e. those who declare their love for humanity, their intention to improve the fate of men with the purpose of contributing to the wellbeing of mankind, but inevitably end up establishing fake profit-making bodies and organizations.
All over the world, including Italy, women and immigrants are paid less than men performing the same tasks, although the Declaration of Human Rights states that salaries should be equal, regardless of the workers’ gender, nationality or ethnic group.
However, it is not so! ...
In summary, according to our Declaration of Human Rights: the first thing is Life, then Love, Death and eventually the Pursuit of Truth...
And this is the fifth right within the Pursuit of truth: every educational environment, from nursery schools to kindergartens and universities must lay the foundations for an atmosphere suitable for meditation and relaxation.
Meditation and relaxation do not belong to any religion or belief.
It is a form of science, which improves the health of our emotional sphere.
Learn the importance of silence and attention, become the witness of yourself and be aware that you are not your mind, but something beyond it. This awareness - and not just a slavery to work – will precisely lead us to the search for truth.
However, people tend to waste and spend almost one third of their life on schools, institutes, and universities without a proper knowledge of silence and especially of themselves.
We have been asked: "How many people write articles about Modern Prophetism? And then, can you tell us something more about love, considering that you talk about it in every article?" A. My answer begins with this assertion: We are one, no one and one…
Love is an encounter, an orgasmic match, between death and life. If you do not know love, then you will ignore the meaning of life. You were born, you have lived, you have died ... but you still ignore it. You know nothing about the…
The second step towards the love is to learn changing your poison into honey… Many people love, but their love is deeply contaminated by poison: hate, jealousy, anger, possessiveness. Your love is surrounded by a thousand and a poison! Love is something delicate: you think…
Never as it is in this age it is important to love. Because when we truly love, we can deeply know other people and ourselves. The body can surrender to the injuries of the age, but our spirit, when it loves, or better when it…
The fourth step: be nothing. When you start thinking about being someone, you block yourselves; thus, love cannot flow., Love can flow only from that one who is nothing. Love only live in nothing. When you are empty, love is present. When you are full…
Modern Prophets - Principles of Humanistic Logic