To apply it and to fully understand, we must realize that for Marx, as he himself said, communism, far from being a final destination, was a step of development intended to historically free humans from socio-economic and political influences, that make us very far from human beings (in the extended term of symbolism), namely prisoners, slaves volunteers of things, of machines and of our own lust for possession.
Marx's thinking and task was aimed to reveal to the working class, its alien and miserable social class, which was in a state of suffering; his attempt was aimed to destroy the illusions which had the effect of obscuring, clouding, in workers, the awareness of their own misery and poverty.
New man needs a new society that works for everyone, and encourages the rise of a man, whose behavioural and psychological structure have:
security, sense of identity and confidence, based on faith in what he is (for better possibly based on personality and preparation), in need, interests, relationships love, solidarity with the surrounding world, rather than on own desire to command and be despots, to control the world, rather than live it, becoming a slave of his interests.
Really be present and supportive in the place where you are, always!!
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New man needs a new society that works for everyone,
and encourages the rise of a man,
whose behavioural and psychological structure have:
security, sense of identity and confidence,
based on faith in what he is (for better possibly based on personality and preparation),
in need, interests, relationships love,
solidarity with the surrounding world,
rather than on own desire to command and be despots,
to control the world, rather than live it, becoming a slave of his interests.