New Man - New Society

Saturday, 29 October 2016 15:14 Written by
New man needs a new society that works for everyone, and encourages the rise of a man, whose behavioural and psychological structure have: security, sense of identity and confidence, based on faith in what he is. Top photo: Marc Chagall - (1947).The Rise of A New Company - lower right Symbolism: a female figure looking suffering (the socket of the State of consciousness pain ) in the lower left,; character with the head upside down ( the human character substantial changing ); top left dove with lit candle ( ideal of common good ); female figure who twirls a cruet grasping that contains a village ( the change, changing the way of living” that leads” to a better society ). New man needs a new society that works for everyone, and encourages the rise of a man, whose behavioural and psychological structure have: security, sense of identity and confidence, based on faith in what he is. Top photo: Marc Chagall - (1947).The Rise of A New Company - lower right Symbolism: a female figure looking suffering (the socket of the State of consciousness pain ) in the lower left,; character with the head upside down ( the human character substantial changing ); top left dove with lit candle ( ideal of common good ); female figure who twirls a cruet grasping that contains a village ( the change, changing the way of living” that leads” to a better society ). Photo below: Marc Chagall - (The Wedding -1910). The new man, the realized individual.

If society wants to live better, it must give birth to a New Man, but it takes a substantial change in the human behaviour, that is from the passage of preponderance, namely greater strength or importance of having, in selfish mode, the mode of being.

To save us from the psychological and economic catastrophe, for the common good, you have to ask yourself:

is it really possible a behavioural transformation on a large scale? 

And if it is possible, we ask ourselves, how to produce it?

Here we are helped by the Prophecy on a large scale on the web, so that more people are aware of what to do.

In my opinion, human character, if one wants to make the mass social component evolve, can change provided that the following conditions are met.

The main points are four,

first: be aware (awareness) of the State of suffering in which selfish humanity lives;

Second: recognize the origin of our and others' discomfort;

Third, admit honestly that there is another way (at the very least you can do that) to overcome the discomfort itself;

Fourth: full accept the idea that, to overcome our discomfort, our discomfort, especially in too many social inequalities, we must accept our certain ideologies and certain rules of life and change the current way of life.

I have not made up anything, these four points correspond to the four noble truths of Buddha's teaching, rather they are the pillars on which this doctrine is established, related to the conditions of human existence, only on specific cases of human illness due to particular individual or social circumstance, are they not applied?

But come closer to us, the same principle, it is understood also to Marxist idea of salvation.

To apply it and to fully understand, we must realize that for Marx, as he himself said, communism, far from being a final destination, was a step of development intended to historically free humans from socio-economic and political influences, that make us very far from human beings (in the extended term of symbolism), namely prisoners, slaves volunteers of things, of machines and of our own lust for possession.

Marx's thinking and task was aimed to reveal to the working class, its alien and miserable social class, which was in a state of suffering; his attempt was aimed to destroy the illusions which had the effect of obscuring, clouding, in workers, the awareness of their own misery and poverty.

New man needs a new society that works for everyone, and encourages the rise of a man, whose behavioural and psychological structure have:

security, sense of identity and confidence, based on faith in what he is (for better possibly based on personality and preparation), in need, interests, relationships love, solidarity with the surrounding world, rather than on own desire to command and be despots, to control the world, rather than live it, becoming a slave of his interests.

Really be present and supportive in the place where you are, always!!


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New man needs a new society that works for everyone,

and encourages the rise of a man,

whose behavioural and psychological structure have: 

security, sense of identity and confidence,

based on faith in what he is (for better possibly based on personality and preparation),

in need, interests, relationships love,

solidarity with the surrounding world,

rather than on own desire to command and be despots,

to control the world, rather than live it, becoming a slave of his interests.

Read 7054 times Last modified on Tuesday, 25 July 2017 20:34

The fourth step: be nothing.

When you start thinking about being someone, you block yourselves; thus, love cannot flow.,

Love can flow only from that one who is nothing.

Love only live in nothing.

When you are empty, love is present.

When you are full of ego, love disappears.

Love and the ego cannot live together.

Love can exist with God, but not with ego, because love and God are synonymous. 

Love and ego cannot hand in hand.

So, let's be nothing.

Nothing is the source of everything; in nothing borns the infinite….

Nothing is God.

Nothing means "nirvana".

Be nothing … and in being nothing, you will get.

Being someone, you will miss the point; being nothing, you will come home.

Never as it is in this age it is important to love.

Because when we truly love, we can deeply know other people and ourselves.

The body can surrender to the injuries of the age, but our spirit, when it loves, or better when it knows how to love - always free - will allow us to escape the hellish cycle of unforeseen events, in which generations after generations, the human being makes same mistakes.

Even though thoughts are repeated identical in human life, there is an entity capable of changing destinies: it is Love!

However, we must understand how to love.

So, this is the third step: sharing.

When the negative is present, keep it for you

When the positive is present, share it.

Normally people share their negativity; they never share their positivity.  

Humanity is simply stupid.

When people are happy, they never share their happiness: they are extremely miserly!

Instead, when they are unhappy are extremely generous: in this case, they are very happy to share.

When people smile, they economise; they smile but with reserve.

Conversely, when he is angry, he goes totally angry.

The third step is to share positivity.

This will bring your love to flourish like a river that is born of your heart: and when you share, your love will begin to emerge.

I heard a very strange phrase by Jorge Borges. Listen:


Give is holy for dogs.

I throw pearls to the pigs.

Because the most important thing is giving!


You will have heard the exact opposite: do not throw anything to dogs, do not give pearls to pigs, because they cannot understand.

In fact, the relevant thing is not "what you are giving" pearls, holiness and love, and "to whom" you are giving it: this is not important.

The important thing is giving.  

When you have something, give it!

Love is not a property to be accumulated, it means irradiate, it is a fragrance to share.

More you share and more you possess; less you share and less you possess.

Therefore, the third step towards love is to share your own positivity, share your vitality, share everything you have: whatever you have in your hands, never accumulate it.

Beware I'm not talking about material things, material goods; Then: share your wisdom, share your prayer, your happiness, your love ... share it!

Obviously, if there is no one, share with dogs, with cats, with flowers, trees, stones ... but share.

What matters is giving.

Accumulate poison the heart.

Everything that is accumulated is poisonous.

If you share, your body will be free from poisons.

Then when you give, don’t worry if the giving is or is not one-sided.

Do not even expect a thank you! You will not be disappointed.

Sharing is one of the greatest spiritual virtues, one of the greatest virtues!

The second step towards the love is to learn changing your poison into honey

Many people love, but their love is deeply contaminated by poison: hate, jealousy, anger, possessiveness.

Your love is surrounded by a thousand and a poison!

Love is something delicate: you think of anger, hate, possessiveness, jealousy ... how will it ever survive love?

First people move in their heads and forget the heart: most people do it. 

Secondly a minority still lives a little in the heart, but makes another mistake; that little flame of love is surrounded by jealousy, hate, rage, and a thousand and a poison.

In this way, the whole journey becomes bitter.

Love is the ladder between the paradise and the hell, but that ladder has two directions: you can go up or down.

In case these poisons are present, the ladder will take you down and you will go to the hell, you will never reach the paradise!

Instead of getting a melody, your life will become hell; A constant contrast, a deafening traffic; A rumor that will make you go crazy ... a chaos of noises, no harmony.

You will always live in madness... .


Then, the second thing to remember is to learn how to change your poisons into honey.

And how to transform them?

There is a very simple process.

Actually, defining it “transformation” is not correct, because you it is not necessary to do anything: simply you should sit down in silence and observe.

Do not judge: do not be against or in favor.

Do not favor it, do not repress it.

You just observe it. Being patient, just observe what happens… let it go up.

Remember one thing: never try to change your mood, when poisons possess you, simply wait. 

The time comes when poison begins to turn into something else ... this is one of the fundamental laws of life: everything changes continually in its opposite, you have periodic changes - a good man becomes evil, and a bad man becomes good; the saint has times when he is sinner and the sinner lives moments of holiness.

Ypu should just wait.

Do not ever act when anger is at its peak; otherwise you will regret it, and you will create a chain of reactions that will produce a karma (cause-effect law always working in life).

The idea of falling victim to karma is all here: do something when you are in a negative state and you will find yourself in a chain of endless reactions.

When you are in a negative condition, you always do something, also the other one becomes negative and he is ready to do something: the negative creates additional negative, the anger generates anger, Hostility creates other hostility, in an infinite chain of reactions ... and people are mutually tangled ... and the thing goes on! 


When you are angry is the time to meditate.  

Don’t lose this moment; anger creates in yourself immense energy ... it can be destructive.

However, the energy is neutral; the same energy that destroys can also create.  


The same energy that hat can upset, can give life ... just wait.

Waiting without hurry, one day you will have a great surprise: you will see inner change, anger relaxes, energy is released, and you find yourself in a positive state of mind; is a positive state of mind.


It is the creative state of mind.

Now you can act, you can do something.

You always wait the positive moment.

RemeberAct, when you are positive.

Do not force the positivity, wait for it emerges spontaneously.

This is the secret.

When I say: “Learn to transform your poisons in honey”, I mean this!

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