As men become more civilized and technique more complex and globalized advantages are becoming more obvious, but organizations imply renunciation of independence, it increases the power over others, but also that of the other one over us.
Organizations are defined for two important aspects: the size and intensity of power, holding power over members. Both these tendencies may be stopped for intrinsic reasons: a chess club to win can count among its members all the players with some skill winning over others. The most obvious example is that of the State. Each enough powerful State wants to conquer foreign countries. Governments have always strived to reach, in the political field, the concentration of power.
In times of war all rapid means of communication are controlled by the Government, less, currently the new means of communication that are at the mercy of everyone.
With modern technology and the speed of the network to transmit messages, it's time to become network " partisans ", to send messages is not necessary to be in peace, equality, etc... but to love independence and justice, despite this general rule of far away power, the current state is inefficient because every people work for his own garden, we must globalize remotely with the network then there will be a power intensity and everyone will be for his own, but all will be for everyone.