The Teaching of Modern Prophetism

The Teaching of Modern Prophetism (19)

The "Teaching of Modern Prophetism" tries to represent the Light of the “great dream" of initiation, the light absorbed by the dreamer.

Unfortunately, for many centuries we have been surrounded by indifference, behind an illusory appreciation there is a hostile attitude towards the oral visions-revelations; in fact, attempts have been made to kill the people and the wise spokesmen of the "great dream" and "great Light", which also represent the only possible salvation from capitalism and the slavery perpetrated by the powerful for domination purposes instead of freedom or life. But we shall never give up our effort for the representation of the light, as long as the peoples of the world will not have all of the Promised Land.

Violence: the Meaning of all its Aspects – the Root of Violence

Saturday, 04 February 2017 16:33 Written by Prophets Word
In this article, I would like to focus on Violence and provide an insight into all its various aspects. It goes without saying that the approach to violence takes on either an objective or a subjective connotation depending on the subjects who use violence, i.e. the oppressed or the ruling class. Put simply, it is impossible to equate the violence of the "Settler" with the violence of the "Colonized person": the violence of the Settler against the Colonised person and the violence of the latter against the former; these "two" kinds of violence are clearly distinct. In fact, the violence of the Rich and the violence of the Poor are not the same thing: the Poor actually fight against the root of the power and try to redeem themselves from the violence suffered, which in turn addresses the weak and urges the poor to put the blame for their failure on the lowest, forever repeating the reasons underlying their own failure and oppression. Obviously, the violence of the Poor who wants to take the place of the rich, thus vexing…

The Mistaken Interpretation of Non Violence

Saturday, 29 October 2016 15:17 Written by Prophets Word
I want to evoke the historical personality of Gandhi, so similar to that of Jesus; you should not forget what he actually taught, not what they would make him to say. In his diary, “old as mountains: the truth and non-violence,” he says, “if I had to choose between armed struggle and cowardice, the truth teaches me to choose armed struggle; but just because I'm a follower of truth, the truth, when there is no cowardice and there is awareness and courage, teach me the path of non-violence”. In the same spirit, when he was reported that a small population without defending had been massacred, involving the same children, to honour the principle of non-violence; Gandhi regretted the false and erroneous interpretation of this principle, saying that non-violence was a free choice and not a reasoned position taken arbitrary, it is the best method of fighting under condition of maturity and awareness, a risk accepted with courage, but one could not oblige the children, the weak and the helpless and all those, who had no opportunity to choose to be…

Fanaticism-Power and Limits of Fanaticism

Saturday, 29 October 2016 15:11 Written by Prophets Word
Power and limits of fanatic doctrines. The power and the strength of a community does not only depend on the members or components and on their number, but very much on the economic component, but even more on the doctrine that prophesies and that everyone carries out. Let's see therefore how a fanatical doctrine (and we see even today with the Isis) often increases a community's power. Today they are trendy, perhaps more than before, their influence on power has great practical importance, so a nation or group of fanatics has odds of success in war, this is a major impediment to democracy and democratic peoples in general; it has more success than a nation where there is a large population of wise men. Consider this in the light of history. It is possible to note that cases in which fanaticism led to success are much more known than those in which they failed, because these events remained in the dark. Certainly a too quickly examination can mislead; it is obvious that if we stay on our guard is easy…

Dethroning the Powerful

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 20:41 Written by Prophets Word
Only following the path "of the last who shall be first, and the first last" (thus avoiding the concept of “last”, “first”, “coincidence” and “removal of opposites”), we can feel universal love, which will enable us to love and help both our friends and enemies looking for humanization; just like the sun, we shall spread light, life and warmth not only to our friends, but also to the secret needs of our enemies. However, the "turn the other cheek" motto refers exclusively to those who have "another cheek," but the poor, conversely, have none. Therefore, this ethical motto addresses especially the authorities and the rich, those who have the choice and means to freely act; it does not refer to those who live outside a “moral context" and have no freedom to choose their means and acquire knowledge: this truth must be revealed to all the theologians, wise men, politicians and "non-violent" activists (in words) of the world; to all the priests, and bishops who address the humiliated and offended masses, to all the poor Lazarus in Africa, Latin America…

The Importance of Word and Time

Saturday, 22 October 2016 14:35 Written by Prophets Word
Over the life cycle of men and books, in particular of those dealing with life like this one, the final chapter and the closing sentence are - perhaps coincidentally - the most important steps. Probably some articles have succeeded, albeit marginally, in addressing or inspiring some readers, therefore I would like to add: "Upon the drafting of this text, I listened to my heart, which in turn answered the call of our troubled time! Therefore, I decided to subject our works to constant scientific checks in order to emphasise the substance and content, and now I would like to let my heart talk about the importance of "word" and "time" within modern prophetism.

Politics and Religion

Saturday, 22 October 2016 14:33 Written by Prophets Word
Politics and Religion should be simple: I do not mean that they are easy, but they are not complicated, life is not complicated; all the difficulties arise from the mind, which – if left free to run – tends to prevail over the others. Politicians and philosophers find it very difficult – sometimes impossible - to become humanists (i.e.: to love mankind), since the deeper the knowledge, the greater the difficulty, but the difficulty depends on us; we create it by means of power and money, but complexity cannot match with simplicity, with love.

The Technological Era

Saturday, 22 October 2016 14:30 Written by Prophets Word
We are living in the technological era, but each situation features other three sides. To the detriment of our personality, our technological society has created the ingenious monstrosity of the group - a downside to be constantly controlled – together with the social "slave - master" hierarchy, while socialist, animist, nomadic societies pay little attention to the accumulative production of the group, but rather focus on the magic, artistic and dreamy creativity of all the group members. The animist - nomadic approach takes inspiration from the birds in the sky and the lilies in the fields, and uses technology as a work instrument.

The Network and the Modern Prophetism

Saturday, 22 October 2016 14:24 Written by Prophets Word
Modern Prophetism circulates on the network, since the network provides a bridge, as evidenced by a modern prophet, Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church. In fact, to use his words: "We are at war, but this is not a religion war"; Well, I think that "In a society where war does not bring any return and everybody - in every social class – only takes a huge loss, there shall be no war." Therefore, we shall use modern prophetism to fight, with clear words of peace, against the masters of war, who take advantage of deluded people deprived of true values such as: - Respect for life,- Respect for the ideologies of others,- Respect for the territory,- Respect for the property of others.

The Ethics of Power

Tuesday, 18 October 2016 14:32 Written by Prophets Word
We know that the words, maybe not all, have a power, for this one must say risky words but calibrated, significant. Each word therefore has a power, so I show you " the ethics of power " for those who will use words to communicate to the people, today the people of the network. I have already spoken of the evils of power, but is it possible to have some good from the power? Lets see how? Ascetically with an exhortation: give up exercising an influence (energy) either beneficial or evil on one's fellows, use the middle path, consider this way: look for the better life, better job, a better world for the individual. We see certain politicians, certain mystics, preachers of every race and colour that are convinced that giving up power is the good of the people, they did it because they believe that giving up, they leave the individual free, but actually they had given up only in certain ways: because if they had given up completely, they would not have proclaimed certain doctrines, would not have…

Modern Prophets

Tuesday, 18 October 2016 14:22 Written by Prophets Word
Note: the drug is the cure of the disease, to defeat the disease, the cry is the effect of fright; in this way the Modern Prophet is the effect of entrenched injustice. Without injustices the Prophecy that I give you would remain just the Poet, the Priest- " to the divine man that creates beauty, who dances in its ineffable beauty, and would not place the divine man who treats the wounded residues of beauty". Modern Prophet is crying of the poet who wants to become "smile" of a poet, that's the nature of modern Prophet, who is not the soothsayer, but the spokesman for the great Light, of the divine cosmic consciousness. He is: mouth-word-verb-eye of the wounded and dying life through the new modern war made of bombings to defenceless people and full of legalized abuses by the current powers, wounded and dying life. He is sovereignty of the wounded life that will never bend in front of all those abuses and transgressions, but through the prophetic nature of many "nobody" who work as thinking form, who were…

The Power of the Organizations

Tuesday, 18 October 2016 14:17 Written by Prophets Word
The feeling that makes up the psychological source of power and tradition in its obsequious appearance for Kings, priests, party bosses are: fear and personal ambition that originate power. The power of the organizations through which power is exercised, considering them first as bodies endowed with a life of its own in relation to forms of Government and finally on the lives of individuals. There is a biology on organizations for the fact that an organization has a life of its own and the tendency to grow and die. There is an analogy between animals and plants and can be considered from a Darwinian point of view: all human species tend to aggregate and organize, man in social organizations. Power depends on the Organization, this becomes powerful by its spread, let's see: church, political party, and the internet gave power to a globalized Isis, which does not have a real leader unless the network and its global spread of a destructive message; why do not make a constructive one? This is what drives these messages! An organization is a set…

Peace Meaning

Wednesday, 12 October 2016 13:03 Written by Prophets Word
We know how important words are, in the sacred name, in primordial sound would hide the power of being and its possible creation. This means that there would be words that create, there would exist sound images, which create under certain conditions. So let me evoke the word Peace, in a language considered sacred: Shalom, peace, derives from the verb, Shalem that can be translated with " to be Complete". The word Peace evokes unity in completeness, i.e. Union of love that is all totality without boundaries; it evokes the time of Completion of the work, which is the time of joy and ecstasy. Peace evokes the soul vision of the entire world with the unity of all life. The verb: Shalem, shared with another sacred language, the Koran one, evokes the strength and the law of the circle, source of all forms, where there are not those who worth more or those who worth less, those who have more and those who have less; in the circle there are not places of prominence and places of lesser value, this…

Be Aware - The Love of Fear

Wednesday, 12 October 2016 12:50 Written by Prophets Word
The love of fear- the refusal of pleasure - Fear paralyzes will The relation between "rich-poor"; "servant-master" divides all, it divides especially the consciences of those who have an interest in the destruction of that relationship. The Biblical prophetic wisdom expresses this situation in the right way: "In a State of oppression even a wise becomes a fool" (Ecclesiastes 6-7), it is above all the fear that folds even strongest consciences... Let's consider how in the entangled human soul, the seed of the domain, the desire to own, and above all to control, but also to be owned or controlled by a great Lord (lord right) has always been sown deeply into mankind, otherwise the domain system, which has been working on Earth for some time, would be uprooted. Power, but above all Religion (we see the results today, more than ever,) were teachers in teaching and instigating people, humans, to the love of fear : the pleasure of making fear and get scared. They were masters in synthesising the domain moments: that of consent and; playing now on the…

The Rules of Modern Prophecy

Wednesday, 12 October 2016 12:47 Written by Prophets Word
The love of power - in its broadest sense- is the desire to cause effects in the world, this belongs to human nature. Since the time of Lao-Tse this has had its supporters: mystics, politicians, people who cared about the holiness of the people, more like a state of mind than in the real and activist sense. I am not agree, even if some did very well, what they did was to reject the coercive power, but not plagiarism and persuasion power. I don't want to persuade anyone, just state the facts. Because if I asked you to follow me, albeit with lofty ethics and rules, I may sin of libertarianism -if those who preach laws, verdicts, believing to have renounced power, actually exercised it! Every unfulfilled desire makes a second wish rise, that is to procure the means to pay the first, so it's a form of love for power, both for the best and worst wishes. So where is the free will? Let's take an example: in politics, there are those who want to see implemented some things…

The Prophets of Globalisation

Friday, 07 October 2016 15:44 Written by Prophets Word
We must consider that there are two kinds of pursuit of power, already identified in the past, and two elements: a ruler and his/her follower (Christ and the apostles, all the prophets and devotees.) We must understand that men tend to adhere to the ideals conveyed by the ruler and, if they strongly believe in them, they will follow him/her voluntarily, sharing his/her victories as well. Therefore, a ruler is always needed, because many people do not know that they possess the requisites – thought, strength and willpower – necessary to achieve a positive result, although they are aware of the fact that it is impossible to help all the people. Anyhow, they can come to the aid of most of them! A modern prophet must oppose the fanaticism that divides humanity into two groups pitted against each other through the most evil means of destruction, the balance of terror cannot prevent wars but rather masks other reasons: the power over the helpless masses. The prophet Elijah as well as Gandhi in India, among others, emphasised the "You shall not…

Globalisation of Thoughts

Friday, 07 October 2016 15:42 Written by Prophets Word
Globalisation of Thoughts - Social science Men are able to think, and within their thoughts they combine representation and awareness. This union results from two factors: the first one merely relates to the subject and has a subjective connotation, while the second one is independent and necessarily objective. In the Kantian philosophy, the expression "I think' – which proves that the multiple sensitivities combine with the neighbourhood to find unity only because they are the subject of a single collective thought (thought of the Masses) - is the communication and formal assumption for their unification. Therefore, it is essential to develop a genuine and determined thought, since thoughts are similar to judgements and creations, and the latter lead to power. The fight against the spread of legalised tyrannies all over the world requires a globalised and strong thought developed through the new sources of power, which must aim at fair Justice and Freedom. Many Countries are affected by strong and deeply-rooted political tyrannies, or rather by the hyper-power of the State, to the extent that a democratic and prophetic regime…

The Freedom of the Peoples

Friday, 07 October 2016 15:41 Written by Prophets Word
Peoples will never be free if they do not get rid of their rulers: according to the latter, in fact, the masses must be poorly educated, just to meet the awareness requirements of the State-Country. The counter-revolution, which has always been popular among the peoples, despises the awareness of the masses, especially when they ask for greater freedom and happiness. Nowadays, this is happening in Africa, but, not so long ago, it involved: Vietnam, Cambodia, the Jewish world, the massacre of Beirut, the Persian issue, the Arabic culture, Jordan and Palestine ... and many other peoples not mentioned here. So many peoples on the Earth are looking for independence from the Curial classes falling within the patronage system.

Law enters the Service

Friday, 07 October 2016 15:39 Written by Prophets Word
Law enters the service of men and not vice versa, it supports the weak, regardless of their identity, however it is not suitable for the current history as well as for the existing, future and unattainable justice (messiahship.) A new force has arisen, or had already arisen, from these writings and revelations. Thus you have given wings to these creatures, writings and awareness. Nowadays, just like a swan song, I can write about it, since the struggles of serfs, proletarians, colonised and rebels protect me, enabling me to create free spaces (for all the readers); truth will set us free, this is the reason why I write down the truth living inside me.

The Canticle of the Promised Land

Thursday, 06 October 2016 15:23 Written by Prophets Word
In our world, the just do not exist, because there can be no prevailing justice, and the just are often killed, persecuted, deceived (whereas the opposite occurs in the Promised Land): the just, i.e. those who act with liberality and full awareness, are crucified. "... Does not ride a horse on the hills full of beauty and love ..." (prophet Isaiah.) How many crucified virtuous men will it take, before we shall revive in the glory and in light of the return of the Promised Land? We know that Isaiah’s vision addresses the need for justice and truth. In the Canticle of the Promised Land, we know that the behaviour of the just shall be immeasurably rewarded. However, we must all recreate this ancient land, which is now almost extinct, and to this end, we must be "Just and Eternal."